Wind, Sand and Stars & Night Flight by Antoine de Saint- Exupéry

If you read and loved the little prince, you will certainly love these books as well – not only as reading, but also as they are giving you a bit more background about Saint-Exupéry himself.

Night flight describes the pilots’ feeling along commercial flying from Patagonia, Chile and Paraguay to Argentina – a route Saint-Exupéry flew himself. It takes us along on the dark route, the unknown of flying and navigation during times without electronical support and much less experiences than what we rely on today. Would you have dared to make such flights?

Wind, Sand and Stars then moves us to Aeropostale (now Air France) and the routes between Toulouse and Dakar. Have you ever wondered how you feel when lost in the desert? Now we are confronted with bright daylight, lack of water, missing landmarks and once more: lots of personal feelings and experiences that can not only be discovered between the lines, but clearlt add to the reading experience.

If you expect a lot of pilot language, you will be disappointed. But when you want to understand the feelings and thought of pilots around 80 years ago, you are in for a treat!


ISBN 978- 90-87888-45-2        ISBN978 – 0- 15-665605-4

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